If you own or manage a business, you’ve probably already heard about all the advantages that come with the Cloud: you’ll save on hardware; you’ll enjoy the flexibility of scale; you’ll have enhanced disaster recovery capabilities; you and your employees will be able to work from any location – the list goes on. While there’s no doubt that the Cloud provides many advantages, it’s important to remember that just because you have access to the Cloud doesn’t mean you’re completely utilizing the power of this 21st century technology.
The truth is that any business can arrange to have access to the Cloud. After all, there are thousands upon thousands of hosting providers that can give you that. But simply providing Cloud access doesn’t mean a hosting company are Cloud experts. And without an expert, you’ll never fully realize the benefits that Cloud technology can offer your business. In fact, the exact opposite can occur: without partnering with an expert in the field, your Cloud support cost can end up being much higher than you ever imagined.
We’re not only talking about the cost involved in having to hire your own Cloud expert, but also the cost of downtime if your network doesn’t function as it should, and so on. Put simply, if you don’t choose a hosting company that employs Cloud experts, your Cloud support cost can be enormous.
How to Keep your Cloud Support Cost Down
Considering how many hosting companies are out there, finding the right one for your business may seem like mission impossible. Most seem to offer similar services to all their enterprise-level clients. For that reason, it’s important to look for the less obvious services that only a true Cloud expert can provide. For example:
Proactive Monitoring
Choose a provider that offers continuous monitoring and maintenance of both network and applications. A good provider will be proactive about monitoring, allowing them to identify issues that can turn into problems down the road.
Guaranteed Uptime
It’s obvious – you need your system to be up and running as much as possible. Any downtime whatsoever can cost you money; so make sure your hosting provider can promise you the maximum amount of uptime.
Exceptional Data Protection
It’s likely that every hosting provider will tell you that they’ll protect your data. So remember to look for one that offers exceptional Cloud security and added measures of safety, like regularly scheduled full backups, server redundancy and reboots, and data center facilities that offer maximum protection against threats and power outages.
True Customer Support
Anyone can say they offer customer support, but it’s important that you choose a hosting company that consistently satisfies customers and will allow you to actually talk directly to a human being, no matter what time of day or night. The last thing you need is an automated response to your customer service call.
True Cloud experts are also troubleshooters. Your hosting company should be able to handle whatever problems you may encounter, whether they involve your system, applications, or codes.
Preparation for the Future
Find a hosting company that will help you plan for whatever changes your business may encounter in the future. Your network should perform at its optimum, not only during regular business loads, but also when demands peak. A hosting company that provides expert-level services will perform whatever testing is necessary to ensure that your infrastructure will be ready, no matter what.
Information Providers
Choose a hosting company that gives you valuable feedback, such as the number of visitors to your website, the amount of site downtime, and which pages get the most traffic. This kind of information is vital to help you determine what changes to make to your site in order to grow your business.
Remember, having access to Cloud technology doesn’t mean you’re truly realizing all the benefits it can offer. Finding a hosting company that provides expert services is crucial to keep your Cloud support cost at a minimum. At PointClick, we understand how important it is to provide you with a level of expertise that you won’t find with just any hosting provider. We don’t think of you as a customer – we think of you as our partner in business. For more information about the specialized services we provide to our clients, contact us today.